iOS 9.1 Jailbreak
We’re not a hundred percent sure about this report, as it could just be a rumour. It is, however, possible that since iOS 9.2 hasn’t been released yet, the teams have decided to release a jailbreak for iOS 9.1.
Either the Pangu team or TaiG team, are most likely working on the jailbreak tool. The last jailbreak for iOS 9.0 – 9.0.2, was released by the Pangu team. We believe that it would make more sense to work on a jailbreak for iOS 9.2.
iOS 9.2 Jailbreak Update
Apple is currently testing iOS 9.2 and has already released 4 beta versions to the developers. Usually, they stop testing a firmware once it reaches beta 4 or 5. Therefore, a public iOS 9.2 release could be imminent, perhaps before the end of this year.
iOS 9.2 Jailbreak Download Coming Soon
The last iOS 9.2 beta 4 was released on November 18 and there hasn’t been a new firmware since. This could be because Apple is planning to release the iOS 9.2 firmware as soon as next week.
Now, jailbreak teams may or may not have found an exploit for an iOS 9.2 jailbreak, which is why they might just release an iOS 9.1 jailbreak instead. Yes, we did say that an iOS 9.1 jailbreak at this time doesn’t make any sense and we stand by it.
However, a lot of users who want to jailbreak, haven’t updated to iOS 9.1 yet. If the jailbreak for iOS 9.1 isn’t released before Apple seeds iOS 9.2, then users who haven’t updated, will face problems. The signing window for iOS 9.1 will be closed within a day of the release of iOS 9.2, which means users will have to update to iOS 9.2. And if you update to iOS 9.1 now, then you may not have a jailbreak.
We’re just not sure if Pangu or Taig will release an iOS 9.1 jailbreak or wait for the release of iOS 9.2 to release a jailbreak for that version. There are several websites claiming that a jailbreak or ‘semi-jailbreak’ is already available for iOS 9.1. Do not believe those, as they are all scams.
As soon as a jailbreak is out, we’ll inform you. Stay tuned for more updates.
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